Build Explanation

This build prioritizes enhancing Beatrix's physical attack damage, movement speed, and attack speed. Swift Boots provide extra attack speed, Blade of Despair significantly boosts physical attack, Malefic Roar gives additional physical penetration, Hunter Strike for added cooldown reduction, and Wind of Nature for survivability against physical damage. Haas's Claws is for improving lifesteal, hence, enabling Beatrix to stay longer in fights.


Beatrix is a unique marksman with multiple weapon options, allowing for versatile gameplay. Her adaptability makes her viable in various situations, enabling her to carry games effectively. The key to mastering Beatrix lies in understanding which weapon to use in different scenarios and how to make the best use of her abilities.

Early Game

Start by farming efficiently in your lane. Use the Nibiru weapon for clearing waves fast. Avoid aggressive engagements until you have your first core item (Blade of Despair). Try to poke enemies from a safe distance and call for ganks when you see opportunities. Should you require additional range in lane to avoid being poked by other marksmen with greater range (Lesley, Layla etc.), you can also use Renner (your sniper rifle) to last hit creeps to get gold.

Mid Game

By this time, you should have your core items ready. Swap to Bennett for team fights or to Renner when you need long-range attacks. Your ultimate with Bennett can be used in combination with big CC ultimates. Use your Tactical Reposition to escape dangerous situations and reposition yourself during fights.

Late Game

As the game progresses into its later stages, Beatrix shines as a formidable character due to her considerable damage-dealing capabilities. Her weapon versatility, one of her most significant traits, becomes more critical during this time. As the nature of the battles evolves, with enemies growing stronger and tactics becoming more complex, the ability to adapt swiftly is key. Therefore, Beatrix should leverage her range of weapons to effectively counter various enemy types and situations. Prioritize Targeting Key Enemy Heroes: One of the crucial aspects to consider during team fights in the late game is identifying and focusing on key enemy heroes. These targets often have the potential to change the course of a battle, either through their damage output or their control abilities. Concentrating your attacks on them can dismantle the enemy team's strategy and swing the battle in your favor. Positioning and Avoidance: While dealing significant damage is crucial, Beatrix players should also be wary of their positioning during these fights. Being at the right place at the right time can make a difference between a win and a loss. Be particularly mindful of enemy assassins, who excel at picking off out-of-position heroes. As Beatrix, you must always maintain a keen awareness of your surroundings and be ready to reposition if you find yourself targeted. Surviving and doing damage should be the two guiding principles for Beatrix in the late game. Stay vigilant and reactive to the changing dynamics of the game. Remember, a well-played Beatrix can turn the tide of any battle, and mastering her strengths and mitigating her weaknesses can lead your team to victory.

Mechanical Genius
Mechanical Genius

Her extraordinary talent in the field of mechanics allowed Beatrix to produce 4 weapon(s) of truly awe-inspiring firepower. (Nibiru) Basic Attack - Rapid Fire: Lets loose a volley of 4 shots, each dealing ( +52% Total Physical Attack) -( +70% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) (inherits a portion of Attack Effects). Deals 75% damage to Creeps. Beatrix cannot Crit, and converts every 1% Critical Chance gained into 1 Physical Attack.

Masterful Gunner
Masterful Gunner

(Passive): Beatrix can carry 2 weapons at once, and increase her (Physical Attack) by 5. (Active): Beatrix takes 0.5s to swap her primary weapon with the secondary she has slung over her back, gaining an all-new way to attack and Ultimate.

Tactical Reposition
Tactical Reposition

Beatrix rolls forward while fully reloading her current weapon.

Need Backup
Need Backup

Having escaped battle for 3s, Beatrix can call for her butler Morgan to provide her with a backup weapons crate. Beatrix must then choose two from the crate to serve as her primary and secondary weapons. Her weapon selection is interrupted if she commits any action or is controlled during this period.

Nibiru's Passion
Nibiru's Passion

Beatrix squeezes the trigger to greet oncoming enemies with 10 volley(s) from (Nibiru), dealing 130( +50% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) each volley. This skill gets 25% Physical Lifesteal, but is not affected by Spell Vamp. Only deals 75% damage to non-hero units.

Renner's Apathy
Renner's Apathy

Beatrix calmly sets up (Renner) on the battlefield and takes aim. When releasing the skill, she deals 700( +280% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to the first enemy hit. Beatrix can aim for up to 8s, and she can cancel it early to reduce the Cooldown by 50%. This skill gets 25% Physical Lifesteal, but is not affected by Spell Vamp. This shot can penetrate Minions and only deals 75% damage to non-hero units.

Bennett's Rage
Bennett's Rage

Beatrix focuses her rage, and has (Bennett) rain down a bombardment in an area 5 time(s). Each bombardment deals 580( +225% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) (the damage of successive hits on the same enemy will decay to 20%) and slows enemies hit by 40% for 1s. This skill gets 25% Physical Lifesteal, but is not affected by Spell Vamp. Only deals 75% damage to non-hero units.

Wesker's Elation
Wesker's Elation

Beatrix raises (Wesker) and fires off ultra bullets that deal 350( +155% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) each time they hit an enemy (the damage of successive hits on the same enemy will decay to 25%). This skill gets 25% Physical Lifesteal, but is not affected by Spell Vamp. Only deals 75% damage to non-hero units.

Hero Adjustments
Current Statistics
MLBB Mid Season Cup 20240%0%0%
DGWIB Season 150%0%5.88%

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