Build Explanation

This build optimizes Cici's durability and damage output in the EXP lane. Tough Boots reduce crowd control effects, essential for Cici's mobility-centric playstyle. War Axe enhances her physical attack and penetration, vital for her sustained damage. Brute Force Breastplate and Oracle improve her survivability and resistance, while Hunter Strike provides a speed boost and additional penetration for chasing or escaping. Malefic Roar is the final piece, offering significant physical penetration against tanky opponents, making Cici a formidable presence in prolonged fights.


Cici, the Buoyant Performer, is a versatile hero capable of dishing out sustained physical damage while exhibiting exceptional mobility on the battlefield. Her unique yo-yo attacks and acrobatic skills allow her to kite enemies effectively, making her a formidable EXP laner. This guide will delve into mastering Cici's skill set, optimizing her build for the EXP lane, and employing strategies to dominate the game from early to late phases.

Early Game

Start by leveling up Cici's Yo-Yo Blitz to maximize her harassment capability against enemy laners. Focus on farming and poking your opponent with basic attacks to stack Delight, enhancing your movement speed and spell vamp. Use Buoyant Bounce to dodge enemy attacks or engage when they're vulnerable. Aim to control the lane and secure crab for additional gold and experience. Building towards War Axe early on will significantly increase your damage output and survivability in lane skirmishes.

Mid Game

With War Axe completed, Cici's damage and tankiness are significantly enhanced. Continue to pressure your lane and look for opportunities to rotate and support your team in skirmishes or objective fights. Utilize Curtain Call in team fights to link enemy heroes, maximizing the damage of Yo-Yo Blitz. Your mobility allows you to chase down fleeing enemies or escape unfavorable battles. Start building Hunter Strike for the speed boost, which synergizes well with your kit, and Brute Force Breastplate for added durability and mobility.

Late Game

By now, you should have most of your core items, making Cici a substantial threat in both duels and team fights. Focus on pushing lanes and applying pressure on the map, forcing the enemy to respond to your split pushing. In team fights, prioritize targeting squishy backliners with Curtain Call and Yo-Yo Blitz, utilizing Buoyant Bounce to navigate through the battlefield safely. Oracle and Malefic Roar are crucial for sustaining through fights and penetrating through enemy defenses. Stay mindful of enemy crowd control and position smartly to maximize your impact without getting caught out.


Cici excels in mobility and sustained damage, making her a unique threat in the EXP lane. Properly utilizing her skill set and following this recommended build will allow you to kite enemies effectively, sustain through battles, and contribute significantly to your team's success. Focus on mastering her mobility to outmaneuver opponents and secure victories for your team.

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