Build Explanation

This build focuses on maximizing attack speed, penetration, and survivability, allowing Moskov to dish out consistent damage while staying alive during intense team fights.


Moskov is a high-damage marksman who excels in the Gold Lane, thanks to his piercing basic attacks and high attack speed. His ability to deal damage to multiple enemies simultaneously and his mobility make him a formidable presence in both skirmishes and full-blown team fights. Mastering Moskov involves understanding his skill combos, positioning, and optimal build paths to dominate the battlefield.

Early Game

In the early game, your primary goal is to farm efficiently and avoid unnecessary deaths. Start with Tough Boots for added durability and movement speed. Focus on last-hitting minions and harassing the enemy laner with your basic attacks, which can pierce through minions and hit them. Utilize Abyss Walker (Skill 1) for repositioning and increased attack speed, and use Spear of Misery (Skill 2) to stun enemies against walls or other enemies for early kills or escapes. Always be mindful of enemy jungler ganks and position yourself accordingly.

Mid Game

By the mid game, you should have Corrosion Scythe and Golden Staff, boosting your attack speed and slowing enemies. Use this power spike to participate in team fights and secure objectives like turrets and the Turtle. Your basic attacks will deal significant damage to multiple targets, especially with the attack speed from Golden Staff. Engage fights by teleporting with Abyss Walker, positioning yourself to hit as many enemies as possible with your piercing basic attacks. Follow up with Spear of Misery to control key targets, and coordinate with your team to maximize your impact.

Late Game

In the late game, your full build should be coming together with Demon Hunter Sword, Wind of Nature, and Malefic Roar. You become a primary damage dealer for your team, capable of shredding tanks and squishies alike. Use Wind of Nature's active to survive against burst damage, especially from enemy assassins and marksmen. Always position yourself at the backline, utilizing your long-range and high attack speed to deal consistent damage. Use Spear of Destruction (Ultimate) to initiate fights or snipe low-health enemies from a distance. Prioritize staying alive over chasing kills, as your sustained damage is crucial for winning extended team fights and securing objectives like the Lord.

Abyss Walker
Abyss Walker

Moskov teleports to the target location, increasing his Attack Speed to 1.15 times for 3s. Meanwhile, his Basic Attack deals 10% more damage to enemies behind the primary target.

Spear of Quiescence
Spear of Quiescence

Moskov's Basic Attacks can penetrate the target and deal ( +68% Total Physical Attack)-( +110% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies behind them (inherits Attack Effects). Each Basic Attack hit reduces the cooldowns of (Abyss Walker) and (Spear of Misery) by 0.8s.

Spear of Misery
Spear of Misery

Moskov launches a powerful strike at the target enemy hero or creep, dealing them 300( +60% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage), knocking them back, and exposing their position for 5s. If the enemy collides with an enemy hero when knocked back, they'll both take 200( +30% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) and be stunned for 1.5s. If the enemy is knocked into a wall, they'll be stunned for 1.5s.

Spear of Destruction
Spear of Destruction

After a short delay, Moskov throws out the Spear of Destruction in the target direction, dealing 600( +100% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies in a line and to the first enemy hero hit. Upon hitting an enemy hero, the Spear explodes and deals 780( +130% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies behind them. The enemy hero and enemies hit by the explosion are slowed by 50% for 1s. The slow duration scales with the flying distance (up to 5s).

Hero Adjustments
Current Statistics
DGWIB Season 15100%5.88%23.53%
MLBB Mid Season Cup 202480%71.43%28.57%

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