Build Explanation

This build is optimized for Claude's unique playstyle, focusing on maximizing his attack speed and damage output while ensuring mobility and survivability. Tough Boots reduce crowd control effects, crucial for maintaining Claude's mobility. Demon Hunter Sword synergizes with his high attack speed, dealing percentage-based damage ideal against tanky opponents. Golden Staff enhances his critical hit effects, crucial for his ultimate, Blazing Duet. Corrosion Scythe further increases his attack speed and slows enemies, enhancing his kiting ability. Wind of Nature provides a critical survival tool against burst physical damage, and Malefic Roar offers penetration to deal with armored targets, ensuring Claude's relevance in all game phases.


Claude, the Golden Thief, thrives in the Gold Lane, utilizing his exceptional mobility and attack speed to outmaneuver and outgun his adversaries. Known for his ability to steal stats from enemies and rapidly turn the tide of battle with his partner Dexter, mastering Claude requires a blend of aggression and caution. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to leverage Claude's strengths, navigate through his early-game vulnerabilities, and dominate the late game.

Early Game

Claude's early game revolves around farming efficiently and avoiding unnecessary skirmishes. Focus on securing minions and jungle monsters to build towards your first core item, Demon Hunter Sword. Use Battle Mirror Image to manage lane pressure and to safely scout bushes or deter ganks. Remember the regen trick with BMI before recalling to maintain lane presence. Your goal is to hit your item spikes without giving away kills, leveraging Claude's mobility to escape enemy engagements.

Mid Game

With Demon Hunter Sword and Golden Staff, Claude's damage output significantly increases. Start looking for skirmishes where you can safely utilize Art of Thievery to steal movement and attack speed, then follow up with Blazing Duet to deal massive damage. Rotate between lanes to apply pressure and secure objectives like turtle and towers. Claude's mobility allows him to join team fights quickly or disengage as needed. Prioritize enemy marksman and mages, using your agility to dodge their skills.

Late Game

By now, Claude should be a formidable force with a completed build. Focus on positioning in team fights; your survival and ability to dish out sustained damage are paramount. Use Corrosion Scythe and Wind of Nature wisely to kite enemies and mitigate physical burst damage. Look for opportunities to split push, drawing the enemy team apart, then use Battle Mirror Image to reposition or escape. In team fights, use Blazing Duet judiciously, targeting clustered enemies for maximum impact. Malefic Roar ensures your attacks pierce through the enemy's armor, keeping your damage relevant against tanky opponents.


Playing Claude in the Gold Lane requires a balance of aggression for lane dominance and caution to avoid early-game pitfalls. Farm efficiently, rotate smartly, and time your engagements with precision. Mastering Claude's skill combos and knowing when to join fights or split push can turn the tide of any game. Stay aware of map pressure and prioritize objectives over kills, leveraging Claude's strengths to secure a victory for your team.

Battle Side-by-side
Battle Side-by-side

(Dexter) assists Claude on each of his Basic Attacks, dealing 20( +30% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to the same target (inherits a portion of Attack Effects).

Battle Mirror Image
Battle Mirror Image

Claude conjures a mirror image of (Dexter) at the target location that automatically attacks nearby enemies for 5.5s. The mirror image's Basic Attack deals 20( +30% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) and can trigger Claude's attack effects. (Use Again): Claude switches places with the mirror image.

Art of Thievery
Art of Thievery

Claude emits a disruption wave in the target direction, dealing 160( +40% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies in a fan-shaped area and reducing their Movement Speed by 20% and Attack Speed by 10%. For each enemy hit, Claude gains 4% Movement & Attack Speed (doubled for enemy heroes hit) for 6s (up to 5 stacks).

Blazing Duet
Blazing Duet

Claude and (Dexter) rapidly fire at nearby enemies for 3s, dealing 100( +10% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to up to two enemies each time (inherits a portion of Attack Effects). Claude also gains a 20( +3% Total Physical Attack) shield each time an enemy is hit. The rate of fire increases with Claude's Attack Speed. (Blazing Duet) deals 300% damage to minions.

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