Build Explanation

This build is designed to enhance Wanwan's agility and damage output in the Gold Lane. Corrosion Scythe and Demon Hunter Sword synergize well with her rapid attack speed, providing additional slow and percentage-based damage. Windtalker boosts her attack speed and provides critical chance, enhancing her overall DPS. Wind of Nature offers a lifesaving active ability against physical damage, crucial in duels. Malefic Roar and Rose Gold Meteor provide penetration and survivability, respectively, making her effective against tanky opponents and burst damage.


Wanwan, as a marksman in Mobile Legends, excels in mobility and burst damage. Her unique skill set allows her to dash with each basic attack, making her an elusive target. In the Gold Lane, her primary role is to farm efficiently, win lane trades, and scale into a late-game carry. Understanding her mechanics, particularly her passive which requires hitting enemy weak points, is key to mastering Wanwan.

Early Game

In the early stages, focus on farming and poking the enemy laner with Swallow’s Path and Needles in Flowers. Use her mobility to dodge skill shots and control the lane. Be cautious of ganks around the 1:30 mark, as Wanwan is vulnerable to crowd control. Last-hitting minions is crucial for gold accumulation, so prioritize safe positioning and farm over risky engagements.

Mid Game

As you transition to the mid-game, look for opportunities to join team fights, especially when your ultimate, Crossbow of Tang, is available. Wanwan's ultimate can be a game-changer but requires hitting all enemy weak points first. Continue to farm and push your lane, but be ready to rotate for team objectives like Turtle and turrets. Use your mobility to reposition in fights and target squishy or isolated enemies.

Late Game

In the late game, Wanwan's damage output becomes significantly impactful. Positioning is key; stay behind your team's frontline and focus on kiting enemies. Target enemy carries or high-value targets in team fights, utilizing your ultimate to secure kills. Be mindful of enemy assassins and use Wind of Nature's active skill to survive burst damage. Push lanes and secure Lord with your team to close out the game.

Skill Combo

A typical Wanwan combo involves using Swallow’s Path to poke and slow enemies, followed by basic attacks to hit their weak points. Once all weak points are hit, activate Crossbow of Tang to deal massive damage. Use Needles in Flowers to remove debuffs and reposition in fights. Her passive, Tiger Pace, allows for continuous repositioning, making her a challenging target.


In summary, playing Wanwan effectively in the Gold Lane requires a balance of aggressive poking, cautious positioning, and timely rotations. Mastering her passive and ultimate is crucial for maximizing her potential. Farm efficiently, participate in team fights with your ultimate ready, and use your mobility to outmaneuver opponents. With practice, Wanwan can dominate the Gold Lane and carry games to victory.

Swallow’s Path
Swallow’s Path

Wanwan throws a Fire Swallow in the target direction, triggering (Tiger Pace) while dealing 120( +40% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies in its path. The Fire Swallow then turns into 3 rotating Swallow Daggers and will fly back to Wanwan one after another after a short delay, dealing 60( +65% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies on their way back and slowing them by 30% for 1.5s. Enemies hit by the Swallow Dagger twice are immobilized for 0.5s.

Crossbow of Tang
Crossbow of Tang

Wanwan leaps into the air and fires arrows at the target enemy hero for 2.5s in rapid succession, dealing 60( +35% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) per arrow. If the enemy is killed during this process, Wanwan will switch to another enemy hero in her attack range, gain 30% extra Attack Speed, and extend the skill duration by 1s (up to 3 times). Wanwan is untargetable and invincible for the duration and can trigger (Tiger Pace) upon killing an enemy and at the end of the duration. (Crossbow of Tang) can only be cast on enemy heroes with all their weaknesses hit. This damage is regarded as Basic Attack damage, and the firing rate scales with Wanwan's Attack Speed.

Tiger Pace
Tiger Pace

Enemy heroes hit by Wanwan's attacks will have their weaknesses and positions exposed for 5s. When hitting an enemy's weakness, Wanwan deals them 67(+3*Hero Level) extra (True Damage) and increases their damage taken from her subsequent attacks by 10% for 5s. Wanwan can dash a short distance in the Joystick's direction on each Basic Attack. The dash speed scales with her Attack Speed.

Needles in Flowers
Needles in Flowers

Wanwan removes all debuffs on her and triggers (Tiger Pace). Meanwhile, she shoots Deadly Needles in all directions, dealing 150( +60% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies hit.

Hero Adjustments
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