Tai Chi
Tai Chi

Akai gains a 25( +4% Total HP) shield for 4s on each skill cast and can mark enemy heroes and creeps hit by his skills. Akai's Basic Attacks deal 25( +4% Total HP) extra (Physical Damage) to marked enemies.


Akai charges in the target direction, dealing 300( +50% Total Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to enemies along the way. If Akai hits an enemy hero during this process, he'll knock them airborne for 0.5s and be able to roll in the Joystick's direction once. Akai can cast (Headbutt) during (Heavy Spin) to quickly adjust his position.

Body Slam
Body Slam

Akai smashes the ground with his body, dealing 270( +6% Total HP) (Physical Damage) to nearby enemies and slowing them by 30% for 2s.

Heavy Spin
Heavy Spin

Akai removes all debuffs on him and spins for 4s, gaining Slow Immunity while continuously dealing 200( +100% Extra Physical Attack) (Physical Damage) to nearby enemies and knocking them back. Enemy heroes knocked back will knock back other heroes they collide with during the process. Akai also gradually increases his Movement Speed to 70% over the duration. This skill can only be interrupted by Suppression and Morph effects.

Hero Adjustments
Current Statistics
DGWIB Season 150%0%5.88%
Snapdragon Pro Series Season 5 APAC - Challenge Season40%11.36%4.55%
Snapdragon Pro Series Season 5 LATAM - Challenge Finals0%0%0%

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